uGlobally is a team of international entrepreneurs with a big ambition: to dismantle the barriers of internationalization. Since 2016, uGlobally has helped over 200 clients from 35+ countries enter new markets through courses, business missions, workshops, coaching sessions, and online resources.
Their clients include early-stage startups, mature tech companies, ecosystem builders, and governments worldwide. They are dedicated to fostering companies’ global mindsets from day one in a realistic way.
Project description:
uGlobally provides a solution platform to help companies expand internationally. 87Labs created their mapping and research tool where they apply the decision-making matrix to define the best locations for those companies to expand. uGlobally also uses the solution in its masterclasses to teach clients how to create an internationalization matrix from scratch. The platform also has an administration panel to control management flows.
Technologies used: Node.js and React
Want to know more?
Contact us and we will tell you more about this or other projects that we have carried out that might interest you.